Beta390 Man 44
Wollongong, New South Wales
DRAGONandHislady M 39 F 37
We are a young fit committed couple looking to expand our sexual experiences with another person or persons.
somechunkychick Woman 22
I like to just listen to mysic by the beach on my alone time days but when im not windong down im loveeee shoping sprees !!
blissfulblisire Woman 36
HRDdUde Man 41
sexmah Man 19
brazilxaussie Man 49
FIRSTLY: Not looking for just sex, so please steer clear if thats just what you’re looking for. Am also not looking for any swinging groups or couples!!! Looking to build a relationship or friendship and can later on see where it leads up Compatibility...
GeneralMuse M 37 F 33
Relatively fit (trying to get fitter). Pretty full in terms of work, but we switch so we may be looking for a bull, a sub, a couple, depends on the week ;) New to this so be nice. Guesting.
henriwe Man 29
DaddyD Man 41
Newkicks Man 33
silvertop Man 44
I'm looking to shake things up and get a little kinky with someone.