usemywoman Woman 58
Launceston, Tasmania
We are looking for friends with benefits mostly. If we find a regular that’s great.a one night stand is ok too. Hubby has been ill for some time and not performing like he used to. although I’m now in my 50’s, I’ve kept myself healthy. We decided...
sashabelle90 Woman 20
Newstead, Tasmania
mushroom Woman 21
Devonport, Tasmania
Owie112 Woman 55
Riana, Tasmania
Active older gentleman seeking fun for further meetings
curvesfordays83 Woman 41
Hobart, Tasmania
Outrhere1966 Woman 58
Glenorchy, Tasmania
I am very sure this my 1st time i would like to try a women
Donna1970 Woman 58
Looseone Woman 27
Lisalisa70 Woman 35
New to lifestyle
spooky00x Woman 24
Just for fun
Amyrice Woman 39
I'm comfortable with my looks and many people have found me attractive.
hanzi Woman 34