Single guys in Bellmere, Queensland, Australia

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Here are some locals looking for Single guys in Australia, Bellmere

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I’m a furry and autistic and would like a person with the same interests as me and i am shy at first. Not really good at talking more of a be there physically person. I really went cuddles but all so a lot of sex but haven’t done it before and like...

Yeah I love just jumping in my car and going for a drive somewhere and I have found some pretty awesome place like waterfalls and water holes and also some country pubs love camping and enjoying a camp fire and a good bbq and drinks And love the gym...

My interests are varied and I pretty much enjoy anything.

Laidback, love a laugh and try not to take l I ife to seriously. I'm knowledgeable but not arrogant, I value connection and as much as intimacy. Not a player, but I know how to play and I'm not afraid of getting freaky (within limits of course)...

Sex! Let's be honest about things, my main interest is lots of sex.