mamaed Man 18
Box Hill, Victoria
sexwithme Man 23
ImHimBruh Man 19
runwithwolves Man 33
Chrisww Man 24
Andrew2788 Man 27
Josh426 Man 32
Would like to spend some free time suspending you
Newsayoi Man 39
My interests are varied and I pretty much enjoy anything.
Bottomslave Man 30
I enjoy please an older daddy and not finishing until he is served and satisfied
Cur1ousCat Man 39
I'm a very laid-back guy and love a good laugh before, during and after - no point if you're not having fun. We're not around on this planet long enough to take things too seriously. My interests are incredibly varied. Everything from...
sharlock129 Man 22
Bigbonehk Man 47
Easy going and open minded. Love straight or bi guys.