Single guys in Burleigh Heads, Queensland, Australia

Are you looking for Single guys in Burleigh Heads? We are one of the largest Single guys sites in Brisbane.

Here are some locals looking for Single guys in Australia, Burleigh Heads

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Open minded man who loves live music, a dance, a party, a meditation sesh, a run, a margarita, a beeeeach sesh, a snorkel, a scuba…… an everything in the ocean scenario, a get away, a gooood passionate woman, a gooooood passionate moment. Amongst other...

Conscious love-making

I’m a single, 6’3”, ENFP, bisexual, non-smoker, non-drug-taker with no STIs. I’m seeking awake, conscious and spiritual lovers. I’m a shamanic sexual healer who’s life purpose includes sacred sex to facilitate activation of my lovers’ inner sexual...

Just a middle aged guy looking for some fun... work away lots so hard to find a relationship. love the water, beach, fit, healthy and ready for some fun.