Pedro1969 Man 45
Glasgow, Scotland
I am yours for one nigth
Jayxxx1245 Man 40
kingcock Man 19
Blasmor Man 36
Rnrstar83 Man 41
Looking for younger to mentor/sex.
shbull27 Man 25
Gym rat and avid chess player. Love to try new things and see new places
FinnD Man 26
Irish lad in glasgow, like to stay in shape but not obsessed with it and can enjoy a lazy day in bed with pizza
kungfudonkay Man 41
I’m exceptionally physically attractive. I have to state this first because its not *immediately* obvious…
Mikedavis Man 57
I am generally an optimistic person with a good sense of humor. I very devoted to everytbing I do and faithful to everybody I love
RoughAnDHardL Man 18
Looking for regular and casual sex between friends
Jdoh916 Man 33
Jack10S Man 23
I enjoy the outdoors, whether at the beach or in the country.